Mind/Body Wellness Technologies

Gharieni es mucho más que un fabricante más de equipamientos Wellness y Beauty. Nuestro objetivo y pretensión es ofrecer a los usuarios del spa una experiencia wellness única. Para ello desarrollamos conceptos wellness integrales, que aportan al operador del spa o estudio una característica única, con la que diferenciarse de sus competidores.

RLX Aurasens

Experience Lounger

Immersive sound and haptic well-being.

Augmented experience.

Music and nature’s sounds transport you to another place.

Landscape and dreamscape converge.

RLX Satori

Wellness Lounger – Advanced Vibroacoustics

An effortless way to improve mental and physical wellbeing.

Wellness treatment for symptoms of low-energy, lack of sleep, anxiety and stress.

Supports behavioral change including weight reduction & addictive behaviors

Evidence based.

Augmented Massage

The 21st century massage experience

A choreo-musical harmony of movement and sound in nature’s concerto

Performance art for the therapist – embodiment of the art of massage for the guest

An augmented massage experience, intuitive and symbiotic – singular – every time.

MLX Quartz

Immersive Alpha Quartz Experience

An immersion in alpha quartz sand– massage experience, with or without therapist. Enhances immune system, deep relaxation, pain relief. Reduces symptoms of stress. A signature treatment that can be combined with sound healing, aesthetics or as a standalone.
Evidence based.


El premiado Masaje Wellness del futuro

El nuevo tratamiento de diseño se concibió especialmente para la camilla wellness MLX con ocho posiciones de la camilla memorizadas. La técnica desarrollada concretamente para esta camilla combina movimientos, masajes de presión y gestos deslizantes, movilizaciones y estimulaciones del meridiano, o sea, se trata de un tratamiento integral único que afecta al cuerpo y a los sentidos.


Binaural Vibroacoustics

Deep relaxation for busy minds.Enhances mood. Reduces symptoms of stress and anxiety. Improves conditions for sleep quality. Supports wellness for the management of chronic stress. Evidence based


Gharieni CELLISS brings a “whole” new approach to slimming treatments. The “Total Slimming System” (T.S.S.) technology allows CELLISS to treat “whole” zones at the same time. Celliss is an innovative body contouring device that doesn’t even need a therapist to fight Cellulite and help to reduce weight.

MLX i³Dome

Triple Detox

Significant Improvement in wellbeing
Promotes detoxification
Dramatic sports recovery
Supports reduction of negative stress and depression symptoms